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31 December 2008

My New Year's

The picture on the bottom is what happens when you and your friends are in a freezing basement, drunk and then decide to take a picture to remember the moment. After so many years celebrating the new years, I will try to remember the top five New Year's Eve memories.

5. My first tour overseas, in Kuwait, December 31st, 2002. I felt severely lost and alone, but discovered that I wasn't. I had 10,000 other close friends that were in the same boat as me as well as several countries represented there. There was very little alcohol, but we didn't need it then.
4. My second tour overseas, in Kuwait, December 31st, 2004. I had friends there and the post had quite a bit going on for us. We had a concert, some fake wine, and a free movie. All I kept thinking was another New Year's in Kuwait!

3. A memory from the picture on the bottom. We
were at a relative of my friend Paul's and we had the house to ourselves. They had a nice bar with a ton of alcohol. We had alot of fun.
2. My first New Year's Eve with my wife, December 31st, 2005. We were poor and had enough for a bunch of liquor. We really got loaded, watched the ball drop. Just the memory of our first.

1. This year. My wife got a root canal today and she is sucking up the pain to drink some for the holiday. We were invited to a couple parties, but decided to stay in
. Our first since exiting the Army.

Whatever memories you have, make them special. I know that mine don't seem like much, but they were important enough to remember. Also, if and when you decide on a resolution, make sure they are the ones to better yourself, your life, or your relationships. To you and your family, Happy New Year!

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